Our Story

We’re an innovative urban farm that provides skills for our community’s special needs adults. Our adults receive hands on involvement in building our farm through seeding, harvesting, and packaging as well as being a part of contributing to improving our planet and the health and well-being of everyone in our community.

Sustainable Farming

We are an indoor aquaponic garden offering beautiful and nutritious greens guided by sustainable farming practices with minimal impact on the environment while adding value to our community.

·     95% Less Water Usage

·     Zero Agriculture Run OFF

·     Zero Wildlife Habitat Destruction

·     Zero Food Waste 

·     Zero Pesticides and Harsh Chemicals

·     Locally grown and Distributed 

More about us

Seeds of Empowerment Farm produces food in an urban city center, with a compact footprint, growing fresh salad greens minutes from where we live, work, play, and eat.

We operate an aquaponic system, which produces food that is always fresh, clean and ready-to-eat: no pesticides or preservatives! Only water, light, minerals, and fish are used in our growing beds. Feed your family produce that was just harvested, full of nutrition and flavor.

We’ve had a positive impact on the environment, as we’re a farm that requires very little water and is scaleable within a compact space. Our goal is to produce an incredible amount of food in a small urban area. We can imagine returning farmland back to nature: Turning fields back to the natural carbon footprint.

Our goal at Seeds of Empowerment Farm is to distribute our produce close to where it is grown, increasing our local food supply chain, minimizing food miles, reducing spoilage, and food waste.

Imagine if we build and configure our farm to be a part of all our neighborhoods by growing specific types of produce that fit community needs!

In community. With community. For community.