The Real Stars of the show

The real stars of our aquaponic farm are our fish. We keep a variety of goldfish who keep our plants happy and healthy.

All plants need food. In nature, “food” means organic materials that are broken down into the soil that plants then use. In an aquaponic or hydroponic system, the organic materials need to be in the water. Our fish eat a rich variety of food and their waste feeds the nitrogen cycle. First it decays into ammonia, then bacteria break it down into nitrites. A second group of bacteria consume the nitrites into nitrates. These nitrates are especially delicious to plants!

We utilize a system of tanks, pumps, and filters to move water from our fish to our greens. This keeps the water clean for our fish, and nutritious for our lettuce. Get to know our finned helpers below!

You’ll notice that our water is slightly tinted reddish orange. This is due to iron supplements for our plants and does not harm our fish.